
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Egg Earth

 Egg earth 

Today we did an experiment called egg earth because we have been learning about earth. We got a boiled egg and we had to bang it on the table to create cracks they would represent the tectonic plates on earth. Next we had to cut the egg in half, it smelled GROSS! WE had to guess what each layer was the shell was the crust the egg white was the mantle, it also had this layer that was green because it had been boiled for too long that was the outer core, the last layer was the inner core that was the yolk.



Earth layers

 Earth Layers 

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Temperature, Capacity and Weight

 At school we have been learning about Temperature, Capacity and Weight, to learn more we did a slideshow about it we had to put in photos from a measurement here is my slideshow.