
Monday, December 6, 2021

My Adventure

  My Adventure 

"drip drop drip drop" I was over the rain, it had been going for the last five days! Here in New York it is soo noisy cars passing, people partying downstairs in the other apartments and heaps of other things.. I just wish I could go to...

I was just walking down the noisy streets in my local area (Main street) when I bumped into a girl, She looked upset to so I asked what was wrong she said that she was sick of this place like the noisy streets and that sort of stuff like why I was upset. I asked what here name was she replied with "Isla" at that moment I knew that we were meant for each other, I asked her if she wanted to leave this place and just as I thought she said YES! So I said she is now part of my club the Board of this club, I held her hand as we skipped back to my house.

I was just walking down the noisy streets in my local area (Main street) when I bumped into a girl, She looked upset just like I was, then she asked what was wrong, I told her the whole story... It is soo noisy here cars passing, people partying downstairs in the other apartments and heaps of other things.. she said that she was the same and allowed me to be in her club.

(At home)
(Me) I am going to tell you a secret that I have not told any other human being EVER it is... I want to go to... (Isla) The north pole??
(Me) YES! how did you know? (Isla) I think we were meant for each other. (Me) YEP and I know how to get there too... (Isla) How?
(Me) Ok so first you have to stand in a chalk circle which I am about to do, then you have to hold one of my hands and lastly I will click my fingers on the hand that you are not holding and then we will appear in the North Pole!!! (Isla) COOL! Ok let's do it... We are now standing in the chalk circle holding hands and now you have to... (Me) CLICK!

"BOOM!" (Isla) WOW we are here in the North Pole... but just to check... "SLAP" (Me) What did you do that for??? (Isla) I was checking we were dreaming... SORRY (Me) It's fine now let's find Santa Claus... I also think I see the Santa's Village sign let's go. 
(Bad elf named Belsnickel) STOP RIGHT THERE KIDS! "Icesnapbang" (Me and Isla) What does that mean? (Belsnickel) It means that soon in about 10 seconds you will FREEZE haha. 
(Me and Isla) ❄😬... (Santa) oh no I see two kids turning into ice I have to save them! (Back in the village) (Miss claus) oh the pour kids I will have to give them my special hot chocolate the one that wakes people up from that spell... drink... (Me and Isla) W w what happend?
(Santa) hmm Belsnickel must be near the village... yes he must be... LOCK ALL THE GATES! (Me) why is he so bad can you tell me the story? (Santa) Sure...  

(Santa) Belsnickel used to be our favourite elf we talk him lots of thing's, he was very smart until he got to 13 years old he turned into a very bad elf and broke all the three elf rules... (Me and Isla) What are those? (Santa) Kindness... he was always stealing whoopee cushions and putting them under the good elfs pillow on their seats... Breaking stuff... One time an elf called candy cane was carrying a lot of presents and Belsnickel tipped over a gumball machine so he fell over and lastly the worst of all...disrespect... He wrote his name on my sleigh with permanent paint... Once an elf breaks all those rules they turn into a human and yes that happened to Belsnickel so he ran away never to return.  

(Isla) WOW! (Santa) Yes but me and miss claus are going to have to go lock all the gates because if he gets in he will try take the christmas star. (Me) what's that? (Santa) The christmas star is the thing that gives light to the whole village and keeps a barrier around it. (Me) Oh OK. You can go now. (Isla) Quick! 

(Gates) "Clink" (Santa) That should be good back inside kids, let's go. 

Night Quest

Night Quest


As the wind blows we travel through the dark gloomy lake on a muddy wooden raft with the light of gleaming lanterns...

In the olden days there was once a cramped little county of pour people, the men would go out hunting for food and the woman would look after the children and do house work. One day the country went under attack, today the evil tribe called the land troopers were bringing guns and going hunting for other humans and... KILLING them. We had to leave, our leader Sir Buck got out all the wooden rafts, and told us to escape.

I got onto a boat with my Wife and 7 month old child, all we could bring was lanterns and stuff to help our raft move, but we also snuck onboard our daughters teddy... then off we went. About 7 minutes later the land troopers found us and started shooting bowen arrows, Sir Buck said "all with children continue we will hold them of" So us and 3 other family's continued. About one minute later we heard the rest of our tribe screaming "FAST! FAST" I looked back and saw the land troopers in big boats with canons we had to go, I told Victoria         (My Wife) to look after our daughter Mary while I row, She agreed and soon we were at the front of the pack but it was not time to celebrate the Troopers were catching up.

"BANG!"  They shoot someone, my old friend peter he is the same age as me (35) Luckily he is not dead but his arm is bleeding a lot, he got onto the boat with Sir Buck and Sir Noel, Noel was bandaging peter up and Buck was rowing the boat. Before we started rowing real fast again Peter yelled out "I'm fine" then we continued. 

It was getting dark the troopers could not see us "Will we make it I questioned myself" Victoria said yes, yes we will make it. I smiled as Mary giggled, but then I had to tell her to shh, the Troopers could of heard us... "I hear them coming towards us they did hear what can we do?