
Friday, September 25, 2020

What Is Good And Bad Bacteria Make A Sculpture

At the start of this term we got to chose a question I chose 
What Is Good And Bad Bacteria Make A Sculpture
This is our 3D sculpture of bacteria.
We have been working on this for a couple 
of weeks now. 
It has most parts of all bacteria. 
We have not decided if it is a good or bad bacteria yet.
first we made a slideshow of bacteria. Next we had to make a plan for a sculpture
Next was the fun part
we got to make our sculpture

first we made the shape next we decorated it after that we added the labels then we were done.


Monday, September 21, 2020

COMIX! Quality blog comments

  ( on the link click 

This is my comic that I made on Make Beliefs Comix.   

The hardest part was finding the right image to put on the comic. 

I really liked how it has story starters to help you start it.  

This is my Comix!

Monday, September 14, 2020

Cybersmart Quality Blogs

 Cybersmart Quality Blogs
On monday we did quality blog comments my buddy was Benji.
First we had to read all of the comments then we had to highlight it red or green we put the the ticks on it then we were done.