
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Holiday Fun

Holiday Fun!

One day my Nanny had to look after me because my mum had to go to work. My nanny has lots of jobs and we had to go to all of them.
First we got dropped of at a hall my nanny was teaching exercise there, it was very quiet until my brother knocked his drink bottle onto the floor it made a big BANG! After her exercise group
we went to a coffee shop to have a snack I got a pie ''it was good''. Next she had to teach a  swimming group at QEll so we got to swim there for an hour. She forgot she had booked something that day so we had to go there. There was also a kid there so we got to play some board-games Nanny said if we were good we can go out for lunch at BK 
(burger king) and we were so we got some. After that we went back to her house my baby cousin was there so we got to play with him, we also made a band with drums and shakers it was FUN!


1 comment:

  1. It sounds like your granny is a very fit lady. How did you feel when Dexter dropped his drink bottle? I can just imagine that everyone looked over and starred! How old is your baby cousin?


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