
Friday, October 16, 2020

Dolphin Report


Dolphins are underwater mammals which have lots of species.

Did you know lots of dolphins are grey, some have patterns of black and white, 

and a few are even pink. 

They have a blowhole at the top of their head to breathe as they do not breath out of their mouth. Most dolphins have a fin on their back, two fins that resemble arms and a tail split down the middle.

Dolphins swim in a group called a  pod and Sometimes lots of pods join together to create a ‘’superpod’’ It can sometimes get up to a Thousand dolphins. The only things dolphins eat are fish, squid, shrimps, jellyfish and octopuses.

Did you know When they swim it is 7 times faster than the fastest human swimmer. Dolphins can hold their breath up to 15 minutes underwater.

They can even dive deeper than 610m.

Dolphins live underwater but can not breathe underwater.   

Most dolphins are  found living in every ocean in the world.




  1. Hi Lexie, I enjoyed reading your report on dolphins. I was surprised how large the 'superpod' can be. It would be amazing to see one thousand dolphins. Great job!

  2. Hi Lexie
    I like this post because it is about Dolphins and I love Dolphins.
    Maybe next time you could talk about Dolphins a bit more and add more infoamtion to this post. From Zoe.


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