
Thursday, July 8, 2021

Bridle Path Walk

 Bridle Path Walk

On Tuesday 6th of July me and my class had to walk the Bridle path. We went because we were learning about the early arrivals in New Zealand and we wanted to experience what it was like for the early Europeans. It felt really hard because on the way up it was super steep and windy I almost got blown over, but on the way down it was way easier because we could just go down really quickly because the wind was blowing that way. First we had to get to the walking track then go uphill once we reached the top we had a snack and then started to go down hill sometimes we had to stop because people slipped and got hurt. I think it would have been very hard for 
the Europeans because they had to carry all their belonging's and we only had to carry our backpacks. The hardest part for me was probably the uphill because it was really steep and it made me very tired. I felt amazing when I finished because I thought I could not do it.        


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