
Tuesday, July 6, 2021

My Inquiry Project

 My Inquiry Project  

What we made:) Me and my partner made a V-shaped hut. 

How we made it:) First we painted the box then we created the V hut with wood and ice-cream sticks and lastly made the chores they did in the hut with air dry clay.

What went well:) We got everything in the right place and we worked together very well.

What we would do different on our next inquiry project:) We will make it less messy, plan what we are doing first and measure everything properly. 

How our team worked together:) W e were very good at communicating but sometimes we did not know what to do. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lexie I relay liked how you described the v-shaped hut you made.Maybe next time you could put your writing the right size for all the sentences but other then that it was amazing.this made me think of the work i did for inquiry this year from Anika.


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