
Monday, May 25, 2020

my fake holiday


  1. This is so cool Lexie. My favourite photo is the one with the lion cub on your lap. I would love to do this in real life! Where could you go next? Maybe an african safari.

    1. thanks Urmi
      i will try find an African safari background next time i get time to work on it

  2. Well done Lexie. I am Really impressed with the effort you have put in here. It would be an awesome idea to have a theme for your holiday or put a wee caption at the bottom of where each picture is.

  3. You look like you have really gone to these places and having lots of fun trying new experiences. Wee hint: use capital letters for your titles. How did you make the slide? was it very hard to do?

  4. someone helped me make the slide but it was still hard

  5. great job lexie I like in the snow one how you took the photo of you being really cold. I also like the one with the lion cub on your lap that one is really cute. next time you could add a bit more slides on to your fake holiday.

    1. thanks for the comment Aaliyah I might add 1 or 2 more but I like it how it is too.

    2. okay it doesn't really matter how much slides there is but it would be a bit more interesting with a bit more slides


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