
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Geometry 3D Shapes Slideshow


  1. Hi Lexie I really like your slideshow about 3D shapes. My favourite shape is the cone and what is your favourite shape ? Maybe next time you could put more slides in your slideshow. Good job and keep up the hard good work.

    1. Thank-you for the comment Cadence
      I think my favorite slide was about the cylinder

  2. Hi Lexie I really like your 3D shape slideshow. I love how you told us how many faces they had and what the faces were. Next time you could move the name closer to the shape and make the font of the writing the same. Have you ever done something else about 3D shapes before?

  3. Hi Lexie I really like you slideshow. I love how you told us how many faces the shape had said where they were like the top bottom and side. Maybe next time you could do the same font on all of slides because it was really distracting.


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