
Friday, March 19, 2021

Message in a bottle ( This is a Song )

 "Arrgh" I am a pirate, an evil pirate, riding across the crashing waves, smashing through bashing through singing an evil song. The sun is all sunny my face is all funny ohh i'm singing an evil song. I wrote a message on a beige script it will lead to my dungen!!! I put it in a transparent bottle with a bright blood red rope and threw it onto the dirty sand, as It fell down the cork touched the ground and that was the end of that ooh i'm sing an evil song.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

My Self Portrait

 My Self Portrait 

Through the last few weeks I have been making a self portrait. First I took a photo then cut it in half, after that I drew the outlines and then the last step was to colour it in. 

My favourite part was colouring it in because it was fun and easy. The hardest part was drawing the ear.

Monday, March 15, 2021

The Swimming Olympics

One day I decided to put my swimming to the test. I chose to enter the swimming Olympics. I walked out to the sidelines where we start the race my competitors were already doing a race named the butterfly stroke, Luckily I did not enter that one. I sat on a seat next to the sideline, I thought to myself  "why did I enter this!" There were two main reasons I thought this, 1, they are all adults;  2, they are such good swimmers. " how would I ever win" ...

Friday, March 12, 2021

Playground Sences

I  see the dental van that reminds me of the dentist. I see an ant crawling around the fake grass it reminds me of a mini adventurer. I see a mosaic pattern that reminds me of the beach.

I hear little kids screeching and it reminds me of a heard of heard of wild animals. I hear the wind blasting
through the cabbage trees and it reminds me of crashing waves at the beach. I hear people having a pool party and it reminds me of squawking parrots.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Acrostic Poem






Friday, March 5, 2021

Garden Senses

 Garden Senses 

I can hear the willow tree swishing and swaying in the wind and it reminds me of the crashing waves at the beach, I also hear a sprinkler spraying water like little rain drops.

I smell fresh soil and plums that are squished into the ground.

 I see a giant peach tree drooping to make a cave, I also see a pile of crocked wood that reminds  me of witches broom sticks.

The Santa Story


One Late , foggy Christmas eve Santa was snoring away into dream land on his soft comfy arm chair. Just as he got to sleep miss clause came storming into the room she said to Santa you should be delivering gifts by now! So why are you not miss clause screamed. Santa said oh miss clause I am ill from being in the snow last night "fine fine" said Santa as he jumped into his slay . But as he was flying he noticed he forgot to check his slay was working propley he looked down and he was falling! Luckily miss clause knew this would happen so she caught Santa in her flying car and then she finished the trip with him. The End

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Mice And The Shoe Makers


Once there was a little old woman and a little old man. They were pore shoe makers to make shoes they would use left over fabric from there clothes and metal for the bottom part. Their dream was to have money to sell nice shoes for people. It once came to the time that they had no more materials left to make shoes ... witch means they had to shut down on their last night it was hard to go to sleep but they got there eventually when they were sleeping it happened 3 mice came to live in there house/shop in return they made a pair of gleaming black shoes for the people that lived there to sell. To Be Continued

Monday, March 1, 2021

Garden Group

 Garden Group

So far this year I have been in the garden group.
We have been picking fruits and planting things we planted pumpkin, spring onions, basil, cauliflower and spinach. I did lots of cauliflower plants, at the end I found lots of seeds on the ground so Nigel said I could make a mystery pot because we did not know what the seeds were, now it will be me and my friends responsibility to look after them they are in 2 pots a green one and a blue one.