
Thursday, November 4, 2021

Space Inquiry

 Space Inquiry 

For Inquiry we were learning about space, we had some options of what thing in space we were going to learn about I chose to learn about the planets orbit. In my group there were me Addison and Olivia. First we had to find some facts here are mine.

  • The gravity of the sun keeps the planets in their orbits.

  • The planet with the quickest orbit is Mercury with the amount of 87.97 earth days.

  • The planet with the longest  orbit around the sun is Neptune with 164.8 earth years.

  • The planets orbit the sun counterclockwise.  

  • If there was no sun we would travel in a straight line.

  • With no sunlight the world would kill everything and the seas would freeze.

  • The planets orbit around the sun because they are left over from the formation of the Solar system. 

  • Mercury has  0 moons

  • Venus has 0 moons 

  • Earth has one moon 

  • Mars has about two small moons 

  • Jupiter has 53 moons 

  • Saturn has 53 moons 

  • Uranus has 27 moons 

  • Neptune has 14 moons 

(These may not be completely accurate)
  • The planets finish their orbit around the sun in the order of… Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and last is Neptune.!

  • An orbit is a path an object takes through space as it revolves around another object!

  • The word orbit also means eye socket!

  • Issac Newton discovered that gravity controls the orbit of the planets and the moon

  • The sun is made of 70 percent Hydrogen and 28 percent Helium. The other 2 percent is Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen and other gases

Our Next step was to think about what we were going to make me and my group wanted to make a spinning solar system on top of a black piece of cardboard with glitter. Here is our creation.


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