
Monday, December 6, 2021

My Adventure

  My Adventure 

"drip drop drip drop" I was over the rain, it had been going for the last five days! Here in New York it is soo noisy cars passing, people partying downstairs in the other apartments and heaps of other things.. I just wish I could go to...

I was just walking down the noisy streets in my local area (Main street) when I bumped into a girl, She looked upset to so I asked what was wrong she said that she was sick of this place like the noisy streets and that sort of stuff like why I was upset. I asked what here name was she replied with "Isla" at that moment I knew that we were meant for each other, I asked her if she wanted to leave this place and just as I thought she said YES! So I said she is now part of my club the Board of this club, I held her hand as we skipped back to my house.

I was just walking down the noisy streets in my local area (Main street) when I bumped into a girl, She looked upset just like I was, then she asked what was wrong, I told her the whole story... It is soo noisy here cars passing, people partying downstairs in the other apartments and heaps of other things.. she said that she was the same and allowed me to be in her club.

(At home)
(Me) I am going to tell you a secret that I have not told any other human being EVER it is... I want to go to... (Isla) The north pole??
(Me) YES! how did you know? (Isla) I think we were meant for each other. (Me) YEP and I know how to get there too... (Isla) How?
(Me) Ok so first you have to stand in a chalk circle which I am about to do, then you have to hold one of my hands and lastly I will click my fingers on the hand that you are not holding and then we will appear in the North Pole!!! (Isla) COOL! Ok let's do it... We are now standing in the chalk circle holding hands and now you have to... (Me) CLICK!

"BOOM!" (Isla) WOW we are here in the North Pole... but just to check... "SLAP" (Me) What did you do that for??? (Isla) I was checking we were dreaming... SORRY (Me) It's fine now let's find Santa Claus... I also think I see the Santa's Village sign let's go. 
(Bad elf named Belsnickel) STOP RIGHT THERE KIDS! "Icesnapbang" (Me and Isla) What does that mean? (Belsnickel) It means that soon in about 10 seconds you will FREEZE haha. 
(Me and Isla) ❄😬... (Santa) oh no I see two kids turning into ice I have to save them! (Back in the village) (Miss claus) oh the pour kids I will have to give them my special hot chocolate the one that wakes people up from that spell... drink... (Me and Isla) W w what happend?
(Santa) hmm Belsnickel must be near the village... yes he must be... LOCK ALL THE GATES! (Me) why is he so bad can you tell me the story? (Santa) Sure...  

(Santa) Belsnickel used to be our favourite elf we talk him lots of thing's, he was very smart until he got to 13 years old he turned into a very bad elf and broke all the three elf rules... (Me and Isla) What are those? (Santa) Kindness... he was always stealing whoopee cushions and putting them under the good elfs pillow on their seats... Breaking stuff... One time an elf called candy cane was carrying a lot of presents and Belsnickel tipped over a gumball machine so he fell over and lastly the worst of all...disrespect... He wrote his name on my sleigh with permanent paint... Once an elf breaks all those rules they turn into a human and yes that happened to Belsnickel so he ran away never to return.  

(Isla) WOW! (Santa) Yes but me and miss claus are going to have to go lock all the gates because if he gets in he will try take the christmas star. (Me) what's that? (Santa) The christmas star is the thing that gives light to the whole village and keeps a barrier around it. (Me) Oh OK. You can go now. (Isla) Quick! 

(Gates) "Clink" (Santa) That should be good back inside kids, let's go. 

Night Quest

Night Quest


As the wind blows we travel through the dark gloomy lake on a muddy wooden raft with the light of gleaming lanterns...

In the olden days there was once a cramped little county of pour people, the men would go out hunting for food and the woman would look after the children and do house work. One day the country went under attack, today the evil tribe called the land troopers were bringing guns and going hunting for other humans and... KILLING them. We had to leave, our leader Sir Buck got out all the wooden rafts, and told us to escape.

I got onto a boat with my Wife and 7 month old child, all we could bring was lanterns and stuff to help our raft move, but we also snuck onboard our daughters teddy... then off we went. About 7 minutes later the land troopers found us and started shooting bowen arrows, Sir Buck said "all with children continue we will hold them of" So us and 3 other family's continued. About one minute later we heard the rest of our tribe screaming "FAST! FAST" I looked back and saw the land troopers in big boats with canons we had to go, I told Victoria         (My Wife) to look after our daughter Mary while I row, She agreed and soon we were at the front of the pack but it was not time to celebrate the Troopers were catching up.

"BANG!"  They shoot someone, my old friend peter he is the same age as me (35) Luckily he is not dead but his arm is bleeding a lot, he got onto the boat with Sir Buck and Sir Noel, Noel was bandaging peter up and Buck was rowing the boat. Before we started rowing real fast again Peter yelled out "I'm fine" then we continued. 

It was getting dark the troopers could not see us "Will we make it I questioned myself" Victoria said yes, yes we will make it. I smiled as Mary giggled, but then I had to tell her to shh, the Troopers could of heard us... "I hear them coming towards us they did hear what can we do?

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Quick Write


Blending in

(The animal reporter) As the horses dashed off, a glimmer of stripes could be seen...

(Zoe) Hi my name is Zoe, Zoe the Zebra. I am the only zebra here right now and I am pretty lonely so... I had to well "blend in" blend in with the horses, and I actually think that I could be a... horse well at least blend in with them, And anyways if I just painted my self gray (like the horses) I think that I would look identical to them, soo I blended in. "oh no the horses are now moving I guess I will have to follow" 

(The animal reporter) The horses are now moving, but wait I see... I see... I see some stripes from a... ZEBRA??? aren't just horses supposed to be here not... zebra's. (Zoe) Oh no I see a human and I think they are looking at... ME! What do I do?... I just have to Blend in. (The animal reporter) Oooooooo...... I see a rainbow..... i'm going to go find the treasure hehe... (Zoe) OK I think they looked away good, and I also just felt a raindrop a big one... Wait a minute it is now pouring with rain what is going on it was just super sunny.

To Be Continued...


Monday, November 29, 2021

Monday Mashup songwriting 2


For songwriting I am writing a new song called Seasons I am doing it with pippa. In the song it says all the seasons and stuff you could do in that season we are also making a song on  

Wednesday, November 24, 2021



Today in swimming we had to swim the width of the pool 3 times there and back. Then we had to do floating like a starfish first we had to float like a starfish on our stomachs, then next we had to do the same thing but on our backs, floating on my back is my favourite one. 
Lastly every person in the big pool group had to sit on the edge with our backs facing the water, then we had to all link arms and then the teacher touched the first persons head then they leaned back and fell into the water, after they had done that we all had to do it one by one. 
It was really fun apart from when I went in the water I got kicked in the face a lot.  




Once there was a girl a girl named Coral she was 10 with no parents and loved the sea! One day as she was swimming, there was a tsunami a big one and she got washed out to the sea lucky for her she ended up on an island a tropical island full with beauty and grace. She loved it there all though it was a bit lonely well actually really lonely 


Treasure Chest

By Lexie

Hi my name is Pearl an I love the ocean but my parents say that it is a danger because of Sharks, Sirens, deadly sea plants and more so you probably guessed that I am not aloud to follow my dream " swimming in the ocean" 

(3 days later) My parents are going away for a whole week and leaving me here which might mean that I can SWIM 😊, they are going to Hawaii... oh I have to go my Mum and Dad are now leaving... (Mum) Now pearl don't get into any trouble well we are gone and be a good girl and please don't swim OK? Oh Mum you can trust me I will never do such  a thing, I PROMISE. OK darling but just in case I got you babysitterr, say hi to Elizabeth, but i'm 11 mum I don't need a... (Dad) be polite pearly-do. I HATE it when he calls me that well...   
hi um Elizabeth (Mum whispering) Pearl you will have to speak up she is 83 years old Yes? Sure. HI ELIZABETH! Well your not a quiet one are you my old ears cannot take that noise so you will have to quieten down now say bye to your parents this is going to be a wild ride a fun one. Really? oh yeah Bye Mum Bye Dad I say as the car drives down the driveway.

(Elizabeth) Now your dream was swimming in the ocean was it? Um yeah why? Go for it just be careful we don't want your parents finding out you have been hurt in the OCEAN right pearl Absolutely um Elizab... Just call me Amy, wait what that doesn't rhyme at all? Yeah well I have a little secret to tell you i'm not 83 years old I am actually well 23 years old...

(Me) Wow wow wow so you tricked my parents? Oh and just in case you did lie I love you for it. (Amy) Yes I did lie because I heard that you want to swim so what are you waiting for . OK Amy I will go get on my swimsuit. As I am running out the door I remember that I did not say Thanks... THANK-YOU AMY YOUR THE BEST SITTER EVER!! (Amy) I knew I was going to be superb at this hehe i'm nailing it already. 

(Me) Oh I am so excited I am at the waters edge and I am about to put in my foot... Here we go...AARRGGHH MY FEET JUST TURNED INTO A MERMAID TAIL!!! AARRGGHH.  (New Boy) Hey I heard you scream you right. (Me) Um y y Yeah um I just... (New boy) Just just what? (Me) I just turned into a... (New boy) a What? (Me) A MERMAID umm whats your name? (New boy) Ben but this is not what we are supposed to be talking about, you are a mermaid? (Me) Um I think so... 

(Ben) Seriously that is so so so COOL umm... can you maybe show me? (Me) Well if you really want to see you ca.... wait will you get freaked out and scream like crazy like I did? (Ben) I have seen well mermaids before I kinda well swim with them... (Me) OK that really relieved me... here we go... "SPLASH" (Me in my head) Deep breath its ok don't scream its not scary your a mermaid its cool its ok deep breath... (Ben) wow you are one of the prettiest mermaids I have EVER seen and um are you ok you just had a silent wave? 

(Me) yep um I hear something, a voice saying my name (Ben) I hear it too let's listen. (The voice) Pearl, Pearl you have a magical quest its an emergency... find the treasurer chest the magic one before the evil witch Bellatrix gets it... Call me Coral I am the leader of mermaids, oh you have meet the chosen one Ben? (Me replying to Coral) Yeah he's a real help 😊. 

(Coral) Good, Good now your first clue is... "go to where the water shines and find the blood red coral hehe my name ok then you should find my friend rosey the octopus she will give you your next clue but it might be a bit hard to find her so you will have to look hard" got it? (Me) Ok, ben are you a good swimmer? (Ben) Yeah was that Coral? If it was she gave me powers to breath underwater and swim really good like a merman so that is why I am a really good swimmer.  (Me) ok that is good because we are about to help out Coral and find the chest! let's dive "splash" 

(Under the water)
(Me) so what was the first part of  the clue? (Ben) Go to where the water shines, I have been here before I know where... follow me...
 (7 minutes later) Here we are the water is pretty shiny here right? (Me) Yes, I remember the next part, go to blood red coral there we should find her friend rosey. This shiny water go's for miles how are we going to find some random coral? (Ben) I see a fish maybe now  you can hear it because you are well sort of a sea creature? (Me) Oh YES you are like soo smart... Umm hi um fish? (Fish) EXCUSE ME MY NAME IS DASH DO NOT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU SHOULD KNOW MY NAME! 

(Me) I am soo sorry Dash i'm knew um have you seen some blood red coral anywhere? (Dash) Yes, I am also sorry I am nice I just well get a bit grumpy sometimes ... you know what just follow me I will show you the coral but only if I can tag along with your journey. (Ben) Sure, lead the way... (12 minutes later) (Dash) here you are... AARRGGHH
(Me) What!? (Dash) The coral just moved. (Ben) That is exactly what we are looking for Come out come out Rosey... "POP" (Rosey) Hello you must be Pearl, Ben and dash? (Dash staring in disbelief) Soo cool.
(Me) yes we are Pearl, Ben and Dash do you know our next clue? 

(Rosey) Yes, you are very close last clue guys a really easy one... Climb to the top of the hill behind me and then back to the bottom where you cannot see at the moment next you have to dig, dig, dig to find the Treasurer use your teamwork to carry it to Coral you may find her in a shining cave. "Good luck" (Dash) Did you just see what I just saw, am I in the clouds???  (Me) Haha good one dash you are so funny, What are we waiting for don't you guy's want to find the treasurer?
(Turtle) Hello I hope it is not rude for me to be butting in but did I just hear the word treasurer? (Me) yes you did would you like to help us find it... um what is your name? (Turtle) Squirt my name is squirt I am 3 year old please look after me. (Ben) Of course we can look after you 😇  (Squirt) Let's go (Me) YEAH! (Ben) YEAH! (Dash) YES I mean YEAH!

Up the hill we went.
Down the hill we went.
 (Dash) My legs are tired (Me) um do you even have legs? 😑
(Dash) I have a good imagination OK? (Ben) That is VERY true he  definitely has a wild imagination pearl. (Me) Agreed haha (dash) Are we there yet????? (Ben) Actually yes we just arrived. (Squirt) Yay!! let's start digging! (12 minutes later) The shovel: clink clink (Ben) I Think we found it (Me) Yes we did I see it i'm so proud of us, and I see the cave that Coral must be in we need to now carry it to her. 

(Me) I can do it 3...2...1... GO wait a minute it's not lifting Ben could you help me (Ben) Sure, Let's do it 3...2...1...GO wait it's not lifting, Squirt and Dash we need your help! (Squirt and Dash) Sure! 3...2...1...GO! (Me) We got it now let's carry it to Coral it's only about 30 meters away Yay. 1 minute later: (Evil Bellatrix) Stop right there kids and pass that to it's rightful owner ME! pass it OVER NOW!! (Ben, Me, Dash and Squirt) NO! (Bellatrix) I will give you one minute. 59...58...57...56........ (Me) I see Coral let's swim away let's go.
(Coral) you made it good job thank you sooo much! do you want your prizes? (All of us) No thank you we are fine just how we are but thanks for the offer. (Just before surface) (Dash and Squirt) BYE!! (Ben and Me) BYE!! 

Back at home:
(Me) Hello Amy! (Amy) Hi Pearl did you have a good time? (Me) YES! Did you know I am a mermaid? (Amy) Yep (Me) How? (Amy) Well I am Coral (Me) WHAT!!!! 

TO BE CONTINUED......................... 


Monday, November 22, 2021

Monday Mash Up

 Today for monday mash up I chose songwriting. 

For songwriting first you make a tune for your song, you can make it with chrome music lab or I chose to use I chose a tune using the Chords C, GM, F, DM.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Space Inquiry

 Space Inquiry 

For Inquiry we were learning about space, we had some options of what thing in space we were going to learn about I chose to learn about the planets orbit. In my group there were me Addison and Olivia. First we had to find some facts here are mine.

  • The gravity of the sun keeps the planets in their orbits.

  • The planet with the quickest orbit is Mercury with the amount of 87.97 earth days.

  • The planet with the longest  orbit around the sun is Neptune with 164.8 earth years.

  • The planets orbit the sun counterclockwise.  

  • If there was no sun we would travel in a straight line.

  • With no sunlight the world would kill everything and the seas would freeze.

  • The planets orbit around the sun because they are left over from the formation of the Solar system. 

  • Mercury has  0 moons

  • Venus has 0 moons 

  • Earth has one moon 

  • Mars has about two small moons 

  • Jupiter has 53 moons 

  • Saturn has 53 moons 

  • Uranus has 27 moons 

  • Neptune has 14 moons 

(These may not be completely accurate)
  • The planets finish their orbit around the sun in the order of… Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and last is Neptune.!

  • An orbit is a path an object takes through space as it revolves around another object!

  • The word orbit also means eye socket!

  • Issac Newton discovered that gravity controls the orbit of the planets and the moon

  • The sun is made of 70 percent Hydrogen and 28 percent Helium. The other 2 percent is Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen and other gases

Our Next step was to think about what we were going to make me and my group wanted to make a spinning solar system on top of a black piece of cardboard with glitter. Here is our creation.


Thursday, September 9, 2021

Marshmallow Earth

Marshmallow Earth 

Today we made marshmallow earth. To make it you need a Marshmallow, a mini M&M, a skewer and melted chocolate. First you need to get your marshmallow and stuff your M&M inside it, next you have to stick your skewer right through the middle until it comes out the other end, once you have done that cover it in the melted chocolate and bring it outside to dry, Lastly you need to crack the chocolate so that it represents the tectonic plates. The layers were chocolate-crust,
marshmallow-mantle, shell on M&M-outer core and the inside of the M&M was the inner core.    

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Egg Earth

 Egg earth 

Today we did an experiment called egg earth because we have been learning about earth. We got a boiled egg and we had to bang it on the table to create cracks they would represent the tectonic plates on earth. Next we had to cut the egg in half, it smelled GROSS! WE had to guess what each layer was the shell was the crust the egg white was the mantle, it also had this layer that was green because it had been boiled for too long that was the outer core, the last layer was the inner core that was the yolk.



Earth layers

 Earth Layers 

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Temperature, Capacity and Weight

 At school we have been learning about Temperature, Capacity and Weight, to learn more we did a slideshow about it we had to put in photos from a measurement here is my slideshow. 

Friday, July 30, 2021

Moscow Magic Newspaper

                Moscow Magic Newspaper 

On Sunday the 25th of July 1:00 pm I went to the Moscow circus it was Amazing! so good I wrote a newspaper about it... Here it is 😀

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Bridle Path Walk

 Bridle Path Walk

On Tuesday 6th of July me and my class had to walk the Bridle path. We went because we were learning about the early arrivals in New Zealand and we wanted to experience what it was like for the early Europeans. It felt really hard because on the way up it was super steep and windy I almost got blown over, but on the way down it was way easier because we could just go down really quickly because the wind was blowing that way. First we had to get to the walking track then go uphill once we reached the top we had a snack and then started to go down hill sometimes we had to stop because people slipped and got hurt. I think it would have been very hard for 
the Europeans because they had to carry all their belonging's and we only had to carry our backpacks. The hardest part for me was probably the uphill because it was really steep and it made me very tired. I felt amazing when I finished because I thought I could not do it.        


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

My Inquiry Project

 My Inquiry Project  

What we made:) Me and my partner made a V-shaped hut. 

How we made it:) First we painted the box then we created the V hut with wood and ice-cream sticks and lastly made the chores they did in the hut with air dry clay.

What went well:) We got everything in the right place and we worked together very well.

What we would do different on our next inquiry project:) We will make it less messy, plan what we are doing first and measure everything properly. 

How our team worked together:) W e were very good at communicating but sometimes we did not know what to do. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Making bread and butter

 A few days ago me and my group made bread and butter the way people made it in the 1800's.

The first thing we did was make the butter to make it you will need:

  •  Cream
  • Jar
  • button

first you put the button in the jar, then you pour the cream in, after you have done that you put the lid on and shake it for about 30 mins. (you should feel it getting thicker) Once you have done that you should end up with butter and whey, whey is they part that is still runny. one we had done that we toke the butter out of the jar and put it in the fridge. 

Next we made the bread the ingredients were:

  • 3 cups of self-raising flour
  • pinch of salt
  • 80g butter, chilled, cubed (NOT the one you made)
  • 3/4 cup water

Step 1

Preheat oven to 200c. Line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper. Combine the flour and salt in a large bowl. Use your fingertips to rub the butter into the flour until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.  

Step 2

Add the water to the flour mixture and use a round-bladed knife in a cutting motion to mix until the mixture just comes together, adding 1-2 tablespoons extra water if the mixture is a little dry. use your hands to bring the mixture together.

Step 3

Turn the dough onto lightly floured surface and knead gently for 1-2 minutes or until smooth. Shape into an 18cm disc and place on tray. Use a sharp knife that has been dipped in flour to mark 8 wedges on top. Dust the damper with a little extra flour and bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes or until the damper is cooked through and sounds hollow when tapped on the base transfer to a wire rack for 5 minutes to cool slightly serve warm or at room temperature.


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Old Spooky Railway


Hi my name is Emily and today I bought a photo to put on my wall in a frame, it was called the Old Spooky Railway. It has an old crooked railroad that is covered in spongy gross lime green moss, foggy white mist that covers the whole forest, a spooky setting almost like a ghost town and lush green trees waving in the wind. It is a bit spooky but a wonderful sight, I hung it in the middle of my living room and gazed at it for hours, then I had risky, weird but wonderful idea...

I should touch it, even though when I brought it, it had a star covered sign on it saying... magical BEWARE! I obviously didn't believe it so why not try it out? I creeped towards the painting and as soon as I touched it... I was forced down a wormhole! I could see the end, it was at the forest that was in the picture! As I came out of the wormhole I landed with a THUD! At this point I was really scared I didn't know what to do.  

I stood up, whys because I definitely would not get out if I would have just sat there, I mean I might find a way out. As I climbed up narrow spooky railway I heard a crow and just after I heard that it swooped over me I screamed AAAGGGHHH!! what do you want from me, I started to cry.... oh sorry I did not mean to startle you it said my name is tammy the crow, ''you can talk I sniffed well if you can talk maybe you can help me?''

Help you? what happened, aren't you supposed to be here?  "no" I sniffed in reply. Ohh certainly, now how did you get here? umm well I sort of touched a painting   

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Ferrymead Trip

 Ferrymead Trip

Things I learnt:
  1. Ladies first.
  2. Take care of your shoes because they were made of fabric.
  3. Children are seen not heard.
  4. To greet each other the men will take of their hats and say good. day ma'am and the woman would smile and nod their head.
  5. Candles were made of animal fat.
  6. Woman would wear a coloured dress with an apron over top, they would also wear a bonnet.
  7. Men would wear a grey or blue top and pants, they would also wear a cap of the same colour.
  8. Woman would do most chores.
  9. They would have to make their toys.
  10. When going on the boat to new zealand they would have to pack a bag they would need on the trip and one that they would not need until they reach new zealand.
  11. To heat up an iron they would put it over a fire.
  12. How to do the chores at the V hut like planting, putting flax on the roof, cutting wood, ironing, washing cloths and scrubbing the deck.
On the 16th of may we went to ferrymead because we were learning all about history and first settlers in christchurch. 

Once we arrived we all got dressed into old fashioned clothing, the girls had to wear a deep coloured long dress there were 3 colours, deep blue, deep green and magenta then over top we had to put on a white apron, once that was buttoned up we put on a hat it was called a bonnet. 

After we were dressed we went into 4 rotations they were  crafts, immigration, packing the trunk and V shaped hut. 

First I did Pioneer crafts, you could do knitting, candle making, french knitting, flip toys and rope making, I did knitting flip toys and rope making My favourite craft was flip toys. 

The next rotation I did was packing the trunk, packing the trunk is when you have to pack 2 trunks to travel to a different country one is things you need on the ship and the other is things you do not need, it was pretty fun.

After that I did immigration we each chose an object from the olden days and tried to guess what our job was, after that we had to try guess if we had an important job or not (mine was not) after we did that we got a sheet we could chose a name from back in the day my new name was Mary-ann, lastly we got a ticket saying if we could go or not there were only 3 people who could go and I was one of them.

The last chore we did the V hut, that was when we had to do chores that people used to have to do there were lots of options the ones I did were, sawing wood for the fire, polishing silverware, planting seeds, sweeping the floor and putting flax on the roof my favorite chore was planting the seeds.

After that we ate lunch, then we could go anywhere around the area but we had to stay with an adult. I went to the jail and the school, at the school we got taught how it will be like in the old days for example everyone had to stay silent or they would be yelled at

At 2:00 we all got in the bus and went back to school, 
I would rate this trip a 10/10


Friday, May 7, 2021

School Lunches


This is my slideshow I made with my friends Isla, Aaliyah and Charlie.

The steps to making it are:)  Make a google form about the lunches send it to some people I sent it to my class, then get your results screenshot them and put them on a slideshow you made for them, record your data and your done.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

My Pepeha


Friday, March 19, 2021

Message in a bottle ( This is a Song )

 "Arrgh" I am a pirate, an evil pirate, riding across the crashing waves, smashing through bashing through singing an evil song. The sun is all sunny my face is all funny ohh i'm singing an evil song. I wrote a message on a beige script it will lead to my dungen!!! I put it in a transparent bottle with a bright blood red rope and threw it onto the dirty sand, as It fell down the cork touched the ground and that was the end of that ooh i'm sing an evil song.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

My Self Portrait

 My Self Portrait 

Through the last few weeks I have been making a self portrait. First I took a photo then cut it in half, after that I drew the outlines and then the last step was to colour it in. 

My favourite part was colouring it in because it was fun and easy. The hardest part was drawing the ear.

Monday, March 15, 2021

The Swimming Olympics

One day I decided to put my swimming to the test. I chose to enter the swimming Olympics. I walked out to the sidelines where we start the race my competitors were already doing a race named the butterfly stroke, Luckily I did not enter that one. I sat on a seat next to the sideline, I thought to myself  "why did I enter this!" There were two main reasons I thought this, 1, they are all adults;  2, they are such good swimmers. " how would I ever win" ...

Friday, March 12, 2021

Playground Sences

I  see the dental van that reminds me of the dentist. I see an ant crawling around the fake grass it reminds me of a mini adventurer. I see a mosaic pattern that reminds me of the beach.

I hear little kids screeching and it reminds me of a heard of heard of wild animals. I hear the wind blasting
through the cabbage trees and it reminds me of crashing waves at the beach. I hear people having a pool party and it reminds me of squawking parrots.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Acrostic Poem






Friday, March 5, 2021

Garden Senses

 Garden Senses 

I can hear the willow tree swishing and swaying in the wind and it reminds me of the crashing waves at the beach, I also hear a sprinkler spraying water like little rain drops.

I smell fresh soil and plums that are squished into the ground.

 I see a giant peach tree drooping to make a cave, I also see a pile of crocked wood that reminds  me of witches broom sticks.

The Santa Story


One Late , foggy Christmas eve Santa was snoring away into dream land on his soft comfy arm chair. Just as he got to sleep miss clause came storming into the room she said to Santa you should be delivering gifts by now! So why are you not miss clause screamed. Santa said oh miss clause I am ill from being in the snow last night "fine fine" said Santa as he jumped into his slay . But as he was flying he noticed he forgot to check his slay was working propley he looked down and he was falling! Luckily miss clause knew this would happen so she caught Santa in her flying car and then she finished the trip with him. The End

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Mice And The Shoe Makers


Once there was a little old woman and a little old man. They were pore shoe makers to make shoes they would use left over fabric from there clothes and metal for the bottom part. Their dream was to have money to sell nice shoes for people. It once came to the time that they had no more materials left to make shoes ... witch means they had to shut down on their last night it was hard to go to sleep but they got there eventually when they were sleeping it happened 3 mice came to live in there house/shop in return they made a pair of gleaming black shoes for the people that lived there to sell. To Be Continued

Monday, March 1, 2021

Garden Group

 Garden Group

So far this year I have been in the garden group.
We have been picking fruits and planting things we planted pumpkin, spring onions, basil, cauliflower and spinach. I did lots of cauliflower plants, at the end I found lots of seeds on the ground so Nigel said I could make a mystery pot because we did not know what the seeds were, now it will be me and my friends responsibility to look after them they are in 2 pots a green one and a blue one.  

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Tawhirimatea's Treasure Hunt.

 Tawhirimatea's Treasure Hunt.

Today me and my classroom did a treasure hunt.

The whole class set into teams in my team there was Me Abby Sonny George and Jasper.

I enjoyed the treasure hunt because we got to be outside.

I did not enjoy it when our leader would only do her answers and not anyone else's.

Our team did not work very well together because at the start the whole team was not together and we were accidentally leaving people behind.

Next time I think we should try keep everyone together.